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Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen der ICUnet.Group

Unser Weihnachtskurs „Konflikte als Chance, sich näher zu kommen“

Weihnachten steht vor der Tür – eine magische Zeit, die voller Wunder und Überraschungen steckt. Im vorweihnachtlichen Trubel kann es neben schönen Momenten in der Familie, auf der Arbeit und mit Freund*innen auch mal zu Missverständnissen und unbeabsichtigten Konflikten kommen. Wir wünschen Ihnen, dass Sie solche Konflikte in dieser Weihnachtszeit als Chance zum Zusammenrücken und gemeinsamen Wachsen wahrnehmen können. Wie dies gelingen kann, erfahren Sie in unserem Weihnachtskurs „Konflikte...

Veröffentlicht am 12. Dec 2022

Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer”

Christmas is just around the corner – a magical time full of miracles and surprises. In the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle, in addition to beautiful moments with the family, at work and with friends, misunderstandings and unintentional conflicts can sometimes arise. We wish you a Christmas season in which you can see such possible conflicts as an opportunity to get closer and grow together. Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer” will show you how it can be done. This is...

Veröffentlicht am 12. Dec 2022

Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer”

Christmas is just around the corner – a magical time full of miracles and surprises. In the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle, in addition to beautiful moments with the family, at work and with friends, misunderstandings and unintentional conflicts can sometimes arise. We wish you a Christmas season in which you can see such possible conflicts as an opportunity to get closer and grow together. Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer” will show you how it can be done. This is...

Veröffentlicht am 12. Dec 2022

Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer”

Christmas is just around the corner – a magical time full of miracles and surprises. In the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle, in addition to beautiful moments with the family, at work and with friends, misunderstandings and unintentional conflicts can sometimes arise. We wish you a Christmas season in which you can see such possible conflicts as an opportunity to get closer and grow together. Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer” will show you how it can be done. This is...

Veröffentlicht am 12. Dec 2022

Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer”

Christmas is just around the corner – a magical time full of miracles and surprises. In the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle, in addition to beautiful moments with the family, at work and with friends, misunderstandings and unintentional conflicts can sometimes arise. We wish you a Christmas season in which you can see such possible conflicts as an opportunity to get closer and grow together. Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer” will show you how it can be done. This is...

Veröffentlicht am 12. Dec 2022

Nuestro curso de Navidad “Los conflictos como oportunidad para acercarnos”

La Navidad está a la vuelta de la esquina: una época mágica llena de milagros y sorpresas. En el ajetreo previo a la Navidad, además de los bonitos momentos en familia, en el trabajo y con los amigos, a veces pueden surgir malentendidos y conflictos involuntarios. Le deseamos una temporada navideña en la que puedan ver estos posibles conflictos como una oportunidad para acercarnos y crecer juntos. Nuestro curso de Navidad “Los conflictos como oportunidad para acercarse” le mostrará cómo se...

Veröffentlicht am 12. Dec 2022

Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer”

Christmas is just around the corner – a magical time full of miracles and surprises. In the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle, in addition to beautiful moments with the family, at work and with friends, misunderstandings and unintentional conflicts can sometimes arise. We wish you a Christmas season in which you can see such possible conflicts as an opportunity to get closer and grow together. Our Christmas course “Conflicts as a Chance to Get Closer” will show you how it can be done. This is...

Veröffentlicht am 12. Dec 2022

Die Kraft der leisen Mächte

Die Kraft der leisen Mächte – mit diesem Titel trifft die einzigartige Kunstausstellung von Katinka Schneweis perfekt den Zahn der Zeit, denn er stimmt andächtig und hoffnungsvoll zugleich. Das Jahr 2022 hat uns mit mehreren existenziellen Herausforderungen gleichzeitig konfrontiert und uns somit als westliche Gesellschaften auf eine harte Probe gestellt. Ist das friedensstiftende Potential von Globalisierung und Digitalisierung schon aufgebraucht? Und schaffen wir es, selbst und gerade in...

Veröffentlicht am 05. Dec 2022

The power of quiet forces

The unique art exhibition by Katinka Schneweis perfectly captures the zeitgeist with its title, "The Power of Quiet Forces." The title is both contemplative and hopeful, reflecting the challenges and opportunities of our time. The year 2022 confronted us with multiple existential challenges, testing Western societies in unprecedented ways. Have globalization and digitization reached their limits in terms of promoting peace? Can we learn to listen to and heed the quiet forces that are often...

Veröffentlicht am 05. Dec 2022

The power of quiet forces

The unique art exhibition by Katinka Schneweis perfectly captures the zeitgeist with its title, "The Power of Quiet Forces." The title is both contemplative and hopeful, reflecting the challenges and opportunities of our time. The year 2022 confronted us with multiple existential challenges, testing Western societies in unprecedented ways. Have globalization and digitization reached their limits in terms of promoting peace? Can we learn to listen to and heed the quiet forces that are often...

Veröffentlicht am 05. Dec 2022